Winter 2017

Fun in Colo and Bama
IMG 5139  ok IMG 5138  castillo de suess IMG 5137  castillo de suess IMG 5136  castillo de suess
IMG 5135  castillo de suess IMG 5134  castillo de suess IMG 5133  castillo de suess IMG 5132  castillo de sue's
IMG 5131  glory IMG 5130 IMG 5129  music fest town hall IMG 5128  Rosedale Garden Full Moon
IMG 5127  Rosedale Garden Super Moon IMG 5126  That's our plot above the sign on the left. IMG 5125 IMG 5124
IMG 5123 IMG 5122  Skeleton Dance IMG 5121  Skeleton Dance IMG 5120  Skeleton Dance
IMG 5119  Norse Mythology, DMNS IMG 5118  Sue's Castle IMG 5117  It'll grow IMG 5116  Winter League Mold (Champions)
IMG 5115  Ted IMG 5114  Tucker in Boulder at VR Fest IMG 5113  The First Flower of Spring IMG 5112  The House Is on Fire
IMG 5111  The House, The House, The House is On Fire IMG 5110  Jay's Fire IMG 5109  Something's Burnin IMG 5108  Marble Track.
IMG 5107  More Marble Track IMG 5106  Blur IMG 5105  Snow? IMG 5104  Ice Claw
IMG 5103  Ice Claw Meets Face IMG 5102  Ice claw picks nose IMG 5101  Nose Picked by Ice Claw IMG 5100  Ice Claw
IMG 5099  Ice Claw Rulez IMG 5098  Ouch IMG 5097  Blaw Blace IMG 5094
IMG 5093  He who controls Ice Claw IMG 5092 IMG 5091  Ice Claw is Good IMG 5090  Ice Claw to the Rescue
IMG 5089  Ice Claw in the Kitchen IMG 5088  Ice Claw making dinner IMG 5087  Krewe De Groove at Globe Hall IMG 5086  KDG!
IMG 5085  Marbles IMG 5084  Marbles IMG 5083  Marbles IMG 5082  Marbles
IMG 5081  MArbles IMG 5080  Party Time IMG 5079  Party Store IMG 5078  Party Store Mario
IMG 5077 IMG 5076  Bear Creek IMG 5075  Bear Creek kinda IMG 5074
IMG 5073  There was a small incident. IMG 5072  Geocache IMG 5071  Geocache IMG 5070
IMG 5069  KDG at Hermans IMG 5068  KDG at Hermans IMG 5067  KDG at Hermans IMG 5066  KDG
IMG 5065 IMG 5064  KDG IMG 5063  Cartwright Funk Band IMG 5062  KDG
IMG 5058  KDG IMG 5057  KDG IMG 5056  KDG IMG 5055  KDG
IMG 5054  Frizby IMG 5053  Winter League, 2017 IMG 5052 IMG 5051
IMG 5050  Random Winter League IMG 5049  Random Winter League IMG 5048  Random Winter League IMG 5047  Random Winter League
IMG 5046  Random Winter League IMG 5045  Haig in Ghostbusters IMG 5044  Haig in Ghostbusters IMG 5043  Haig in Ghostbusters
IMG 5042  Haig in Ghostbusters IMG 5041  Haig in Ghostbusters IMG 5040  Haig in Ghostbusters IMG 5039  Haig in Ghostbusters
IMG 5038  Haig in Ghostbusters IMG 5037  Haig in Ghostbusters IMG 5036 IMG 5035
IMG 5034  Erica Lynn at the Movies IMG 5033  Erica Lynn at the Movies IMG 5032  Erica Lynn at the Movies IMG 5031  Tucker at the Movies
IMG 5030  Erica Lynn at Lego Batman IMG 5029  Lego Batman IMG 5028  The Bat Mobile IMG 5027  Tucker, Erica Lynn and Bat Mobile
IMG 5026  Fun IMG 5025 IMG 5024 IMG 5023
IMG 5022 IMG 5021  Ski at Granby IMG 5020  Ski at Granby IMG 5019  Ski at Granby
IMG 5018  Ski at Granby IMG 5017  Ski at Granby IMG 5016  Ski at Granby IMG 5015  Ski at Granby
IMG 5014  Ski at Granby IMG 5013  Winter Park Hotel View IMG 5012  Winter Park Winter IMG 5011  Rembember that?
IMG 5010  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 5009  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 5008  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 5005  Go Cart at Boondocks
IMG 5004  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 5003  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 5002  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 5001  Go Cart at Boondocks
IMG 4999  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 4998  Go Cart at Boondocks IMG 4997  Boondocks with Evan IMG 4996  Snow Fort Day
IMG 4995  Snow Fort Day IMG 4994  Snow Octopus IMG 4993  What do Snowmen do at night? IMG 4992  Snow Fort Day
IMG 4991  Snow Fort Day IMG 4990  Snow Fort Day IMG 4989  Snow Fort Day IMG 4988  Snow Fort Day
IMG 4987  Snow Octopus IMG 4986  Snow Aligator IMG 4985  Snow Aligator IMG 4984  Snow Octopus
IMG 4983  Snow Man IMG 4982  Snow Mouse IMG 4981  Snow! IMG 4980  Everyone helps!
IMG 4979  Snow Buddies IMG 4978  Aaron lives in a Yellow Submarine IMG 4977  Catch of the Year IMG 4976  What A Catch!
IMG 4975  Yellow Submarine IMG 4974  Yellow Submarine IMG 4973  Submarine in the Backfield IMG 4972  Sea of Green!
IMG 4971  Sea of Green IMG 4970  I've got a Hole in Me Pocket IMG 4969  Go Pack Go IMG 4968  Full Speed Ahead
IMG 4967 IMG 4966 IMG 4965 IMG 4964
IMG 4963  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4962  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4961  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4960  Ski
IMG 4959  Papa's Birthday Present IMG 4958 IMG 4957 IMG 4956  Snow Mountain Ranch
IMG 4955  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4954  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4953  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4952  Snow Mountain Ranch
IMG 4951  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4950  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4949  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4948  Snow Mountain Ranch
IMG 4947  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4946  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4945  Snow Mountain Ranch IMG 4944  Snow Mountain Ranch
IMG 4943  51 Really IMG 4942  New Years at the Aquarium IMG 4941  New Years at the Aquarium IMG 4940  New Years at the Aquarium
IMG 4939  New Years at the Aquarium IMG 4938  New Years at the Aquarium IMG 4937  New Years at the Aquarium IMG 4936  New Years at the Aquarium with Esperanza
IMG 4935  Home IMG 4934  Home with new 3d pen objects IMG 4933  3d pen objects IMG 4932  3d pen objects
IMG 4931  3d pen objects IMG 4930  3d pen objects IMG 4929  Insert into Feed Hole IMG 4928  3d pen objects
IMG 4927  New Ski Pants IMG 4926 IMG 4921  Race Track Present IMG 4920  Race Track Present
IMG 4919  Christmast 2016 IMG 4918  Christmast 2016 IMG 4917  Christmast 2016 IMG 4916
IMG 4915  Christmast 2016 IMG 4914  v IMG 4913  Christmast 2016 IMG 4912  Christmast 2016
IMG 4911  Christmast 2016 IMG 4910  Christmast 2016 IMG 4909  Christmast 2016 IMG 4908  Christmast 2016
IMG 4907  Christmast 2016 IMG 4906  Christmast 2016 IMG 4905  Christmast 2016 IMG 4904  Christmast 2016
IMG 4903  Christmast 2016 IMG 4902  Christmast 2016 IMG 4901  Christmast 2016 IMG 4900  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4899  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4898  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4897  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4896  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4895  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4894  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4893  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4892  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4891  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4890  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4889  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4888  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4887  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4886  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4885  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4884  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4883  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4882  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4881  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4880  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4879  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4878  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4877  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4876  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4875  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4874  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4873  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4872  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4871  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4870  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4869  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4868  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights
IMG 4867  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4866 IMG 4865  Botanical Garden Christmas Lights IMG 4864  Yule
IMG 4863  Yule IMG 4862  Kringle Market, Denver IMG 4861  Rogue One at Alamo Draft House IMG 4860  Rogue One at Alamo Draft House
IMG 4859  Rogue One at Alamo Draft House IMG 4858  Rogue One at Alamo Draft House IMG 4857  NAsty Disposal IMG 4856
IMG 4855  Conductor Says IMG 4854  Conductor Says IMG 4853  Wyatt and Tucker IMG 4852  Wyatt and Tucker
IMG 4851  Minecraft IMG 4850  Minecraft Poster IMG 4849  Masks at Lincoln IMG 4848  Masks at Lincoln
IMG 4847  Tucker's Mask at Lincoln Art Show IMG 4846  Tucker's Mask at Lincoln Art Show IMG 4845  Christmas Concert IMG 4844  Christmas Concert
IMG 4843  Christmas Concert IMG 4842  Christmas Concert IMG 4841  Christmas Concert IMG 4840  Christmas Concert
IMG 4839  Christmas Concert IMG 4838  Tops Swim Team IMG 4837  Tops Swim Team IMG 4836  Tops Swim Team
IMG 4835  Tops Swim Team IMG 4834  Tops Swim Team IMG 4833  Tops Swim Team IMG 4832  Tucker Swimming
IMG 4831  Tucker Swimming IMG 4830  Tucker Swimming IMG 4829  Tucker Swimming IMG 4828  Bama
IMG 4827  Bama IMG 4824  Bama IMG 4823  Bama IMG 4822  Bama
IMG 4821  Bama IMG 4820  Bama IMG 4819  Bama IMG 4818  Bama
IMG 4817  Bama IMG 4814  Bama IMG 4813  Bama IMG 4812  Bama
IMG 4811  Bama IMG 4810  Bama IMG 4809  Bama IMG 4808  Bama
IMG 4807  Bama IMG 4806  Bama IMG 4805  Bama IMG 4804  Bama
IMG 4803  Bama IMG 4802  Bama IMG 4801  Bama IMG 4800  Bama
IMG 4799  Bama IMG 4798  Bama IMG 4797  Bama IMG 4796  Bama
IMG 4795  Bama IMG 4794  Bama IMG 4793  Bama IMG 4792  Dinner
IMG 4791  Yum? IMG 4790  I'd eat it. IMG 4789  Digital Dance Chair IMG 4788
IMG 4787 IMG 4786 IMG 4785