Dilly Dally Recordings on 8/26/2018

Live at Tiger Kims on 12/7/2019

Corona Debuts on 3/29/2020

Rehearsal with Robi on 7/23/2020

Jessy's Party on 8/15/2020

Feeling Good on 1/10/2021

Audition with Griffin on 4/11/2021

King Thing Livestream on 4/18/2021

Jam Camp 2021 on 5/23/2021

Rosedale Festival on 8/29/2021

Cameron Audition on 9/1/2021

Saar Audition on 9/23/2021

Smith Road Jam with Colin, Paul and Saar on 9/30/2021

Slotta Party Rehearsal with Colin, James and Paul on 10/8/2021

Max's Audition on 12/15/2021

Jim's Audition on 1/8/2022

Bagus Chad And Colin on 3/10/2022

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